Art of Saving Heirloom Tomato Seeds
Introducing the Art of Saving Heirloom Tomato Seeds: A Journey into Fermentation and Its Crucial Role

In the world of gardening, the act of saving heirloom tomato seeds is more than just a horticultural endeavor; it's a captivating journey that intertwines tradition, nature's wisdom, and the preservation of time-honored legacies. At the heart of this practice lies the intriguing art of fermentation, a biological process that transforms ordinary tomato seeds into robust heirlooms, enriched with the potential to flourish for generations. In this exploration of fermentation techniques and its profound significance, we not only delve into the intricate science behind seed preservation but also uncover the legacy-inspiring stories that have found a home under the "Inherited Seeds" brand. Join us on this captivating journey as we unveil the secrets of saving heirloom tomato seeds through the lens of fermentation, celebrating the past while nurturing the future.
What is fermentation and why it is important?
Let's embark on a deeper exploration of the concept of fermentation. In its essence, fermentation constitutes a meticulous biological process orchestrated by beneficial microorganisms. This intricate phenomenon involves these microorganisms, primarily good bacteria, intricately deconstructing the molecular structure of your food, rendering its essential nutrients more readily bioavailable for absorption.
Understanding Fermentation:
In essence, fermentation constitutes a biological marvel, wherein beneficial microorganisms play a pivotal role in breaking down the complex structures of food. This enzymatic breakdown renders the nutrients within the food more accessible and bioavailable for absorption by our bodies.
Significance of Enhanced Bioavailability:
The significance of this process lies in the fact that the nutritional impact of our diet extends beyond what we eat. It encompasses what we efficiently digest and absorb. Therefore, enhancing the bioavailability of our food translates into a more robust uptake of essential vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients, enriching our overall nutrition.
Fermentation in Chicken Feed:
In the context of fermenting chicken feed, specifically lacto-fermentation, a remarkable transformation occurs. This process effectively diminishes the presence of anti-nutrients that naturally reside in the outer layers of grains, seeds, and legumes, rendering the feed considerably more digestible for poultry.
Anti-Nutrients and Their Purpose:
Anti-nutrients, which are naturally occurring compounds, are widespread in various whole foods, including nuts, vegetables, and fruits, as well as different parts of plants such as roots, leaves, and seeds. These compounds serve as the subtle defense mechanisms of plants against a myriad of threats, including bacteria, fungi, insects, animals, and even humans. Anti-nutrients function by binding with nutrients within the plant in a manner that eludes breakdown by our digestive systems, effectively depriving us of these vital nutrients.
Seed Survival Mechanism:
Seeds, in particular, have evolved to include anti-nutrients as a built-in survival mechanism. This safeguard prevents the premature consumption of seeds before they can germinate and perpetuate the next generation of plants. Every seed saved from your plants carries this innate survival strategy, ensuring its viability until the opportune conditions for growth arise.
Enhanced Germination with Wet Seeds:
This phenomenon is especially pronounced in the case of "wet" seeds, such as those from tomatoes, cucumbers, melons, cucamelons, and squash. These seeds are enveloped by an additional protective layer on their seed coats, which serves to inhibit premature germination. To expedite gardening endeavors, tomato seeds, in particular, reap considerable benefits from the uncomplicated process of lacto-fermentation prior to storage and eventual planting.

Benefits of Lacto-Fermentation for Tomato Seeds:
In the world of gardening, tomato seeds can significantly benefit from a straightforward process: lacto-fermentation. This step is especially useful before storing and sowing these seeds. By engaging in this process, you effectively eliminate the germination-inhibiting substance encasing each tomato seed, which is the gooey gel sac. Additionally, lacto-fermentation contributes to the elimination of certain seed-borne diseases, as beneficial bacteria outcompete their harmful counterparts. During fermentation, undesirable seeds typically rise to the water's surface, while the robust and viable ones sink to the bottom.
Longevity of Properly Fermented Tomato Seeds:
A remarkable attribute of properly fermented, cleansed, dried, and meticulously stored tomato seeds is their potential to remain viable for up to a decade. This ensures the preservation of a true heirloom tradition, passing down the legacy to future generations.
In summary, fermentation is a biological process that enhances the bioavailability of nutrients in food. It plays a vital role in making chicken feed more digestible and helps explain the presence of anti-nutrients in various foods. Tomato seeds, in particular, can benefit from lacto-fermentation, which removes germination inhibitors and enhances seed longevity.
Here's a step-by-step procedure for fermenting and saving tomato seeds:
Step 1: Seed Extraction
- Begin by selecting fully ripe tomatoes from your garden or source.
- Gently squeeze or scoop the seeds out of these ripe tomatoes, including the accompanying gel-like substance.

Step 2: Seed Separation
- While you don't need to painstakingly separate the seeds, make an effort to minimize the presence of pulp as much as possible.
- It's crucial to ensure that the seeds originate from fully ripe fruit, as seeds from green or semi-ripe tomatoes may not be viable.
Step 3: Prepare a Container
- Obtain a clean, small jar or container for the fermentation process.
Step 4: Submerge Seeds
- Place the seeds you've extracted into the jar. There's no need for separation at this point.
- Cover the seeds completely by adding at least an inch of dechlorinated or filtered water.

Step 5: Lid Placement
- Loosely place a lid on the jar. Avoid sealing it tightly; you need some airflow for the fermentation gases to escape.
Step 6: Fermentation Initiation
- Allow the jar to sit for a day or two, taking into consideration the ambient room temperature. Warmer temperatures tend to expedite the fermentation process.
Step 7: Observe the Process
- During this time, you'll notice the development of a frothy white film on the surface of the water. This film emits a faint sour aroma, similar to yogurt.
- Be aware that this cloudy white film is not mold; it's harmless kahm yeast, indicating active lacto-fermentation.

Step 8: Complete the Fermentation
- When the white film has fully covered the surface (typically in another day or so), it's time to proceed to the next step.
Step 9: Remove Scum
- Swiftly pour off the top layer of water, along with the frothy residue and any undesirable seeds. This will leave you with only the healthy seeds settled at the bottom of the jar.
Step 10: Seed Cleaning
- Rinse the seeds under gently running water using a fine mesh sieve. If needed, you can gently rub the seeds against the mesh to ensure the removal of any sticky remnants.

Step 11: Drying
- Spread the cleaned seeds out on a paper towel and gently pat them to remove excess moisture.
- Transfer the seeds to a non-porous surface, such as a small plate, to allow for thorough and complete drying.

Step 12: Storage
- After a few days of drying, store the seeds in an envelope that is labeled and dated.
- Keep the envelope in a cool, dark, and dry place until you're ready to plant them.
By following these step-by-step instructions, you'll successfully ferment and save tomato seeds, ensuring their viability and contributing to a thriving garden in the future.